Register for Work

Fill out the form below, attach your CV and we will keep you posted with potential roles coming our way. You can also email a CV across to


    First Name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Number/Name of House & Street


    Postcode (required)

    Telephone (Landline)

    Telephone (Mobile)

    Email Address (required)

    Confirm Email Address (required)

    What is your Job Title/Status?

    Select the type of work or field of law you are looking for.

    If you selected "Other" please give further details

    Describe the Location or Area you wish to work in. Please be as specific as possible.

    What are your salary requirements?

    What is your notice period?

    Tell us about yourself. You can paste your CV in here if you wish

    Upload your CV (optional). All formats accepted but we would prefer not to receive pdf files if possible

    Where did you hear about us?