Outsourced Transcription Software

Manage the flow of dictation files


Delegate Dictation WorkflowExpress Delegate will manage audio files created by multiple users of Express Dictate and MSRS to send the recordings automatically or manually to multiple typists using Express Scribe. Managed through a web control panel, it is now even easier for a transcription company or large organization to control multiple dictation files, destinations and final typed documents.

With Express Delegate, recording are sent directly to the Express Delegate server where they will be assigned to typing pools from where a typist using Express Scribe can retrieve the audio file automatically from their application or can download it manually. Finished transcriptions can be sent and received in the same way back to the speaker.


Job Features
  • Control dictation jobs through a simple web interface.
  • Sort by Priority, Age, Deadline, Speaker, Duration and more.
  • Status of jobs can be marked as Unassigned, Assigned, Transcribing and Finished.
  • Managers can edit and view dictation details.
  • Transcriptions can be uploaded directly to the web interface and are available for Speakers to download.
  • Typists can be emailed a dictation file directly when it is assigned or they can download the file from their login to the web console.
  • Jobs can be re-assigned to another typing pool or given a new priority.



Program Features
  • Three levels of web console access including:
    • Manager (Manages users, typing pools and rules)
    • Speaker (Uploads recordings, downloads transcriptions)
    • Typist (Downloads recordings, uploads transcriptions)
  • Typists can be assigned to one or multiple Typing Pools.
  • Multiple rules can be set for Speakers, Priority of jobs and Tags.
  • Files can be sent directly to Delegate from Express Dictate.
  • Typists can retrieve new dictations directly from Express Scribe.
  • Recordings and final transcription documents can be uploaded/downloaded manually through the web console.
  • Reports include dictations created, transcripts finished and more, emailed to a manager on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
  • Email notifications of new dictations assigned to a pool for typists or uploaded transcripts for speakers.

System Requirements
  • Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 and Windows 7.
  • JavaScript enabled Web Browser.
Contact Us/Further Information

To obtain a full quote, place an order or for further information about our outsourced transcription services, please call 01352 751945 or email cv@tp-secretaries.co.uk